Why the Coronavirus is Driving Me Crazy

Friday, March 6, 2020


Why the Coronavirus is Driving Me Crazy
In this article I'll talk about why the coronavirus is steadily working my nerves (besides the fact that it could kill me of course).

1. When It Began

When It Began
When I initially heard about the coronavirus, I honestly wasn't that concerned. Like most people I didn’t see the urgency with the situation because it was in China, not in Japan. I thought it would be like any other illness that occurs. I thought that it would go away quickly. Plus China wasn’t making a big deal out of it, so why should I. However, I started to hear that the situation was worse than China had reported. I started to hear how quickly the virus had spread. I started to see videos of people passing out from the virus, and men in hazmat suits taking people away.
I also saw the videos about the how the people are quarantined and how they have to dress in gear just to go to the supermarket. Then I heard the hospitals were full and that buildings were being bulldozed to contain the virus. I saw all this evidence, plus the number of deaths and I started to freak out.

2. Japan

A few weeks ago, all public schools were closed in Japan. This added even more fuel to the fire when I was already feeling overwhelmed. Toilet paper, tissues, sanitary napkins, hand sanitizer, diapers, and rubbing alcohol flew off the shelf in Japan. Other people were freaking out as much as I was. I wasn't the only one going crazy. When my husband and I went to the usually packed Starbucks, we got seats extremely extremely easily. The streets are damn near empty here, and there's already not a lot of people to begin with.

But my attitude has started to change. I have been seeing more articles and videos being published about the statistics. People under 50 have a very low possibility of dying from the virus. Of course, these statistics include children. So, in all actuality, cancelling school is just a political move for the Prime Minister, in my opinion.
It is true that Japan is getting more and more cases every day. It is hard to track a virus that doesn't take on symptoms for 2-14 days. I believe that's the reason why they can’t actually know the number of infected people. It's hard to tell every single person that an infected individual had encountered. However, I do believe that people are trying to be more aware of their surroundings and staying away from big groups.

3. Reality Setting In

Reality Setting In
With that being said, I'm starting to get quite bored. When I go out, I need to wear a mask, and we can barely go anywhere as it is because I'm still a little scared. Honestly, I still want to go to Tokyo. I planned on going to Tokyo in April to see my friends, and I still want to go. I'm debating on whether or not it's a good idea. I know that it is in fact not a good idea at all LOL. But I'm so bored that I want life to go back to normal so badly.
I'm still going to work so that feels pretty normal, but I feel so constricted on what I can do. I'm scared to go to the movies because of all the people. Not only that, but the movie theater where I live is now only giving one showing, per movie, per day.  Therefore, if I wanted to go to the movies, I could only catch the movie one time at night period. No daytime showings, and it will show only once in the evening.
I'm scared to go on an airplane because of all the people. I can't even go to certain countries because of the restrictions. Even the United States will start to restrict flights to Japan. Therefore, I can't go home any time soon. I'll continue to read and to watch Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon. But I barely enjoy watching TV now. I'll have to find something else to occupy my time.

Good luck on staying healthy and active. I wish you all the best, and I still suggest no travel, even though I’m still debating on going to Tokyo.