TV show
Final Review of Married at First Sight

In this article I'll give my final take on the last few episodes of Married at First Sight Season 8. There are spoilers ahead.
Married at First Sight Season 8 Review Pt. 2

In this article I'll give my thoughts regarding the two couples, Keith and Kristine, and Jasmine and Will. If you want to know how I fee...
Married at First Sight Season 8 Review Pt. 1

In this article I'll give my thoughts regarding the two couples, AJ and Stephanie, and Luke and Kate. Spoilers ahead.
A Look at Veronica Mars (From a Black Woman's Perspective)

In today's article I'll give my thoughts on the TV show Veronica Mars. Spoilers ahead if you have not watched the show yet.
Review of the Handmaid's Tale - A Black Perspective

In this article I'll give my perspective on the TV show The Handmaid's Tale.